Does your sports club need new members, coaches, team leaders, and volunteers? Do you want to increase diversity in your organization? In this section, we provide concrete tips on how to reach out to and recruit children, youth, and family members with immigrant backgrounds into your activities.

The number of people with immigrant backgrounds is steadily increasing in Finland. By including children and young people with immigrant backgrounds in your activities, you not only make a valuable contribution to integration but also take on an important social responsibility as a sports club. You can find more information here about how sports can support integration and the benefits this provides for children and youth.

Recruiting new members with immigrant backgrounds can be approached in many ways. Through the WELLcome project, we have collected valuable experiences and lessons on how to engage children, youth, and their families in the activities of sports clubs. We want to share these insights with you, as this diverse group sometimes risks being an untapped resource. At the same time, we know that diversity not only enriches the club’s activities but also contributes to a more inclusive and dynamic sports environment.

Collaborate with Local Partners

Successfully recruiting children and youth with immigrant backgrounds requires a willingness to try new methods and channels. Strengthening collaboration between sports clubs and local organizations working with integration and immigration can be highly effective.

Start by mapping out which associations, organizations, or municipal services in your community have contact with children and youth with immigrant backgrounds. These actors can be invaluable partners in your recruitment efforts.

How You Can Collaborate:

  • Build relationships with organizations that already have established connections with the target group, such as integration units, language schools, or multicultural associations.
  • Organize joint meetings to exchange ideas and plan shared activities that benefit both parties.
  • Consider arranging events or activities together with these partners to increase visibility and reach more potential members.
The Importance of Diversity in Leadership

By recruiting individuals with immigrant backgrounds, you can both strengthen your organization and contribute to a more inclusive environment. Involving people with diverse backgrounds enriches the association’s activities and brings new perspectives that can benefit members and the development of the organization.

Having coaches and leaders from different backgrounds can make your association more attractive and accessible to a wider audience. Individuals with immigrant backgrounds can contribute with their potential expertise in specific sports, language skills, cultural competence, and new ideas, which can facilitate communication with children, youth, and their families.

How to Reach Potential Leaders and Volunteers
  • Collaborate with Local Organizations: Build relationships with groups and networks working on integration, such as reception centers, language schools, and multicultural associations. These actors can help you reach individuals who might not otherwise consider getting involved in sports activities.
  • Promote Opportunities: Share information about available roles such as coach, team leader, or volunteer in multiple languages and through channels where the target group is present, like libraries, integration centers, or community events.
  • Offer Support and Introduction: Many newcomers to associations might feel unsure about what is expected of them. Provide introductory training and mentorship to help new volunteers feel confident in their roles.
Build Trust and Long-Term Relationships

Successful recruitment is about more than just filling roles – it’s about creating a welcoming environment where everyone feels valued. By appreciating diversity and supporting new members, you can attract and retain committed leaders and volunteers. An inclusive approach strengthens both the organization and contributes to a sustainable sports culture.

When recruiting individuals with immigrant backgrounds, it’s essential to offer them security and support in their roles. Here are some key points to ensure successful recruitment and to support new leaders:

Ensure Competence and Provide Basic Information

It’s crucial to equip new coaches and volunteers with the tools to feel confident and secure in their assignments. Offer training and resources to ensure everyone feels competent in their roles. Check what training is available through your sports federation, regional sports organization, or municipality. Civic organizations and community colleges may also offer relevant training that supports the required skills. This can help build stronger, more self-assured leadership.

Additionally, provide information about the board’s procedures and routines (such as decision-making and meetings).

Flexibility in Assignments

Consider that many new leaders may be unsure about how long they can commit to the organization. Offer opportunities to agree on shorter timeframes for assignments to make it easier for them to take on responsibilities. It’s important to be flexible and attentive to varying needs and circumstances. Provide support and assistance to foster long-term engagement.

Support and Safety

It’s essential to create a system where new leaders and volunteers know they have someone to turn to if difficulties arise. Having a support person within the association can be critical to ensuring a safe working environment. Ensure you have a clear process for handling harassment or issues and make this known to all members.

Collaboration with Other Organizations

To find new coaches, team leaders, and volunteers, collaborate with other sectors and associations already working with integration and diversity. Community colleges, civil service, and other non-profit organizations can serve as excellent channels for finding people interested in volunteering. Remember to approach individuals who might not typically be asked. Through collaboration and network expansion, you can discover new resources and energy for the association.

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Create a Positive and Inclusive Culture

To recruit and retain volunteers, it’s vital to foster a welcoming culture where everyone feels appreciated. This includes clarifying the association’s values, providing support and feedback, and encouraging participation. By building trust and empowering new leaders, their commitment strengthens, and the association becomes more inclusive. Proactive efforts in these areas create a safe environment that reinforces the association and contributes to a sustainable sports culture.

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