Increasing Social Sustainability in Sports
Finlands Svenska Idrott (FSI) and Humak had the honour to conduct a workshop about Social Sustainability in Sports, at the European Youth & Sport Platform 2023 in Stockholm on the 2 nd -4 th of June.
The European Youth & Sport Platform 2023 is a new event, designed by youth for youth, and was organised by ENGSO Youth in cooperation with ENGSO and The Swedish Sports Confederation.
The mission of the European Youth & Sport Platform 2023 was to develop and advocate for youth and sport in Europe. About 70 participants (age 18-35), including facilitators, young leaders and coaches, representatives from different sports association and umbrella organizations for various sports from all over Europe, participated in this three-day event.

Key elements of a successful inclusion in sports
The workshop “How to increase social sustainability in sports” was based on FSI´s and Humak´s ongoing project called WELLcome– wellbeing and integration through sports. In the activity-based workshop, we shared ideas and good practices with the participants, in inclusion and integration.
The workshop focused on how to successfully encounter new members to sport clubs, how to make activities more accessible and how to create a safe environment for everyone. We talked about why sport is such an important and good tool for integrating refugee and immigrant children and youth into society.
The goal of the workshop was to promote diversity and inclusion among children and young people in sports. The participants were very pleased with the topics and discussions in the workshop, since policies and action taken in this matter still varies a lot in different European countries.
Outcomes: Recommendations to EU on actions to increase social sustainability in sports
One of the goals for this inaugural edition of the European Youth & Sport Platform 2023 was to co-create recommendations for ENGSO youth to send forward to the European Commission.
One of the recommendations done by the participants in the workshop was about the importance of more education in social sustainability in sports. The participants found it important to provided education and knowledge for coaches, parents and other stakeholders and that the education should provide tools and recognize good coaching initiatives.
The programme of the European Youth & Sport Platform 2023:
